Home x86asm notes

x86asm notes


  • .data: Stores initialized data (constants, static variables)
  • .bss: Stores uninitialized data or variables that should be zeroed out at runtime
  • .text: Contains the executable code of the program
  • .rodata: Stores read-only data such as string literals

In 64-bit architecture .data and .bss serve the same purposes

Defining data

  • db: Defines a byte (8bits) of data
  • dw: Defines a word (2 bytes) of data
  • dd: Defines a double word (4 bytes) of data
  • dq: Defines a quad word (8 bytes) of data
  • dt: Defines a ten-byte value typically used for extended precision floating-point numbers

Reserving space

  • resb: Reserves a cenrtain number of bytes in memory (typicaly used with buffers)
  • resw: Reserves space for a number of words (2 bytes each)
  • resd: Reserves space for a number of double words (4 bytes each)
  • resq: Reserves space for a number of quad words (8 bytes each)


equ is used to define constants

CONSTANT_NAME equ value_or_expression


  • eax, ebx, ecx, edx (general purpose registers)
  • esp (stack pointer)
  • ebp (base pointer)
  • esi, edi (index registers)
  • eip (instruction pointer)


  • mov (move data)
  • add, sub (atirthmetic operations)
  • push, pop (stack operations)
  • cmp, jmp, je, jne (comparison and jumps)



; data.asm
section .data
my_data db "Hello World", 0
; main.asm
section .data
    include "data.asm"


; utils.asm
section .text
global my_proc ; make the proc exportable to be available to other files
; main.asm
extern my_proc ; now i can use this procedure


eax: Contains the syscall number

ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi: These registers hold arguments ti the syscall

eax: On return this register holds the result of the syscall (0 success / <0 error)


  • sys_exit (exit program): Number: 1 Arguments: Exit code (in EBX).

  • sys_fork (create a child process): Number: 2 Arguments: None.

  • sys_read (read from a file descriptor): Number: 3 Arguments: File descriptor (in EBX) Buffer (in ECX) Number of bytes to read (in EDX).

  • sys_write (write to a file descriptor): Number: 4 Arguments: File descriptor (in EBX) Buffer (in ECX) Number of bytes to write (in EDX).

  • sys_open (open a file): Number: 5 Arguments: File path (in EBX) Flags (in ECX) Mode (in EDX).

  • sys_close (close a file descriptor): Number: 6 Arguments: File descriptor (in EBX).



%macros MACRO_NAME <n> ; number of arguments
    ; code
    ; %1, %2, ... , %n arguments


MACRO_NAME arg1, arg2, ... , argn
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