Rails related links
Cmd Commands
- rails new [project_name] - Create new Rails Project
- rails s - start localhost server
- bundle - bundle all the gems in the Gemfile
- rails c - open the rails server terminal
- rails generate migration [options]
- rake db:migrate
Important folders
- app
- app > controllers
- app > models
- app > views
- config
- db > migrate
Important files
- Gemfile
- views > layouts > application.html.erb
- config > routes.rb
- db > schema.rb
Useful Ruby Commands
- session
- redirect_to [route_name]_path
- render
- flash
- <% %> tag is for ruby code in the html.erb file
- <%= %> tag is for things that are going to be printed in the browser
- get “/about”, to: “about#index” in the routes.rb file means: When a GET request for the /about dir is received, go to: controllers/about_controller.rb where the “AboutController” class is and a def index function inside. The index function points to: views/about/index.html.erb which is what will be rendered in the browser
- instance variables @variable are visible in the html.erb files of their respective function